Watch his DryBar Comedy Special, "AMATEUR NATION".
Watch his interview on "The Bart Show" at "Freedom Fest" in Memphis, TN, at the 'Punching Up Comedy Festival".
Read his article in "70 Reasons Why NHRA Drag Racing is the Best Sport On Earth".
He's shopping two game shows and a full-length feature script for production (go to the "Services" tab).
CLICK the photo below and top right to see four hilarious trailers for the full-length comedy feature he co-wrote and co-executive produced, "30 Swipes Right" (formerly "30 Dates on Craigslist")
CLICK for Podcast Video Previews
300 EPISODES! If you want biting, insightful (and funny) news and social commentary, and you think America (and the world) has lost all common sense, WELCOME! Based on his standup comedy and his book, "AMATEUR NATION: The Decline of Common Sense, Manners and Social Skills" (on Amazon), it's the podcast! Smart, sarcastic, uncompromising, and thought-provoking, "Lou Santini just says it!" in this head-nodding, laugh-out-loud show about those in the world who are "doing life wrong" and are disturbing the "flow of the Pros"!
"AMATEUR NATION" -- listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!